Cacti Reunion 2021 - Minneapolis, MN
Okie Okerstrom Set
Jerry, Lois.
Dick, Thomas.
Lyle in red, his niece and her husband.
Lois, Charlene.
Okie's Great-grandson.
Don, David, Charlene, Okie, Jerry, Lois.
Pam's side of family. 1st row left to right Tony, granddaughter Josie, Chris C, Kirk, grandson Justin, great grandson Abel. 2nd row left to right Therese, daughter Becky, Linda, Tina, granddaughter Haley, Pam, Okie. Back row left to right John, Crhis, Harold, Juanita, Alex, Brian, Celeste, Lowell.
Gregory, Katie, Lois, Jerry, Pam, Okie.
Pam, Josie, Dave, Haley, Becky
Okie, Chris, Tina
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