War Stories

Sayonara Frozen Korea

by Frank Dahl
August 51

In August 51 I was assigned to the 24th Division. A couple days later I received orders to go to the 35th RCT of the 25th Division. This switcheroo caused some serious problems with rotation back to the states, In early June of 52 I was waiting for the green light to go home but no such thing. It appeared that my situation was lost in transit even though I had more than enough points to go. My attitude was not too good and when my CO gathered me up and told me I had a patrol to lead it did not improve, I was to take a reinforced squad the following night on a firefight. I picked my men and looked over the maps etc. The afternoon of the said patrol my Platoon Leader informed me that there was a change in orders and that my new assistant would take my place and he and I would sit on the radio. The patrol went off without a hitch. The next morning the CO caught up with me and said, "what the hell are you doing here, you are supposed to be on your way home". It took me all of 15 or 20 minutes to say goodbye to my men and head off the hill, Frank Dahl Co I Korea 51-52.