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9 August 1970
Bravo 2/35th
Submitted by: Jim "Doc" Hall

Aug 9, 1970 (The day after we humped off the hipshoot where we took all the sniper fire) found 1st platoon & CP Bravo Co humping up a heavily wooded ridge line. The ridge had a fairly large trail running up the middle which we paralleled on both sides all the way up. 2 or 3 weeks prior to this we had lost our platoon leader, Lt. Vos when he was called to the rear to take a new position. He hadn\'t been replaced in all that time. Our platoon Sgt., Jack Adami had taken over that position and we were always comfortable with Jack in charge. But when the last birds left the hipshoot taking the mortar platoon out 2 days before they also took Jack with them on his way to DEROS. This left us with no platoon leader, a brand new platoon Sgt, SSG. Nick Adams, and a new Company Commander (acting as platoon leader), Cpt Jack Vanderpool.

As we left the hipshoot on the 8th we received instructions via the radio to rush to a river crossing to intercept a large group of NVA that intelligence said should cross there soon. One of our squads had a problem with their M-60 and had asked for a replacement. The replacement didn\'t come with the birds that took out the mortar platoon. Because of the broken M-60 they balked at the orders to rush to the river crossing. It was a bit of a test for (our new)Cpt. Vanderpool and the test proved a bit inconclusive as after much conversation with the squad and with battalion we finally cancelled the river crossing order. So here we were a day and a half later climbing the ridge line as it grew narrower and narrower. Finally there was no room to parallel the trail any longer and we were forced to walk it. Soon we began to see evidence of booby traps along the trail and we stopped to investigate. At that moment our Kit Carson Scout, Goi (Yoy) stepped in to a pit that contained a mortar round and a trip wire. Goi definitely wasn\'t Irish but luck was on his side that day. The booby trap didn\'t blow. One of our Squad Leaders (Dutch Schultz, I believe) inched over to Goi and took him under each arm and gently lifted him out of the pit.

After all the excitment Cpt Vanderpool told the squad that balked on Aug 8 to saddle up and check out the balance of the trail ahead. At this point the trail continued to narrow and wound off to the left and upwards. The top of the ridge didn\'t appear to be much further on. The squad fresh from their earlier triumph decided to balk again at this order. Of course, Cpt Vanderpool couldn\'t continue to have his orders challenged but he stayed cool. He asked, \"If I walk point will you follow me to the top?\" The squad agreed and Cpt Vanderpool picked his way through the remaining booby traps to the top without incident. Leaving the squad on the top he then returned to guide the balance of the platoon to the top. From that day on Cpt. Vanderpool never had another order questioned. It turns out that he was the best C.O. we ever had and he had the
respect of all of his men from that point on.

That night we camped at the top of that ridge as night fell over us. The next morning we discovered that the whole area around us was booby trapped right up to our perimeter.

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